Sunday, June 23, 2013

#Hashtags Will Change The Way You Use Facebook

Love them or hate them, #hashtags have been enabled on Facebook and they are here to stay.

Nearly half of Facebook users cruise the site via their smartphones, so as of right now- they can't utilize the feature.

But mark my words- once the social network giant gives smartphone users the ability to click on a #hastag and see what it does....the game will change.

In case you are still unfamiliar with exactly what a hashtag is or what it does- you are not alone.  Hashtags were first introduced on another network you may have heard of- a site called Twitter.  When typing the "#" symbol directly in front of a specific word or phrase containing no spaces, the phrase becomes a clickable link.

Here is how it appears on Twitter.  As you can see below, the word hashtag turned red because I added the number sign in front of it.
 After I submitted the tweet, I clicked on the hashtag and search engine like results appeared.

Think of hashtags as a way of googling through your Facebook friends conversations.  If you want to know whose watching Mad Men, Facebook is finally going to make it easier to find them.

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